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19JUL09 - Edmonton Thunderstorm
In evening of July 19, 2009 after one of our few warm days this summer, there was a thunderstorm. I am not sure of all of the damage that was done to the city, but this is what I saw around my neighbourhood...
- Mojo, NC, USA - I guess in your part of the world you don't see a lot of that kind of thing, eh? It's not exactly <i>routine</i> here either, but our hockey team got its name for a reason. (You remember the Hurricanes, surely. Oh... sorry *wink*)
- Greensboro Daily Photo -
Wow! We've got a similar photo today. We lost a tree in Greensboro too! A great story. Love they way you offer so many pictures!
- green money jobs - what an unlucky car, that's really devastating, many green trees are lost and many jobs to clean up.
- ann chin - The poor car, once when I was in Sinagpore, there was a terrible storm, more than 20 trees fell.
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