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You better watch out! You might get caught!
I had two pictures that I liked for this theme, so I included both. The spider web was a must include. It is actually the source of the name for my web site, spunwithtears. (There is also a connection with a quotation from Søren Kierkegaard: "Infinite resignation is that shirt we read about in the old fable. The thread is spun with tears, the cloth bleached with tears, the shirt sewn with tears; but then too it is a better protection than iron and steel... The secret in life is that everyone must sew it for himself.")
This spider web was particularly dangerous. No, the danger did not come from the spider, but for my lack of attention while taking the picture.
The picture was taken in a national park that is a reserve for many animals including large herds of bison.
I was hiking early in the morning when I came across this web. I was busying myself with getting the right exposure and focusing when I heard some huffing, puffing and snorting coming from behind me. The web was on the bend in the trail and the bison was running along and didn't see me. And I didn't see him.
I had only a couple seconds to decide what to do. The web was in a pretty thick bush of honeysuckle and wild roses, but I held my camera up over my head and walked straight into the woods and stood beside a tree.
Well much to my chagrin, the huge bison stopped, turned, looked at me, and snorted some more. There wasn't much for me to do but to stand still. Fortunately, the bison snorted for the last time, and ran down the trail. When I began to breathe again, I walked a couple meters back to the trail but I could see no sign of the bison. I was thankful that I came off from the incident with only a few scratches from rose thorns.
The second picture is less dramatic, it's the picture of the polls connected the top of a metal tepee. I guess everything does not have to be exciting!
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